ArangoDB v3.9 reached End of Life (EOL) and is no longer supported.
This documentation is outdated. Please see the most recent version at
String functions
For string processing, AQL offers the following functions:
CHAR_LENGTH(value) → length
Return the number of characters in value (not byte length).
Input | Length |
String | Number of Unicode characters |
Number | Number of Unicode characters that represent the number |
Array | Number of Unicode characters from the resulting stringification |
Object | Number of Unicode characters from the resulting stringification |
true | 4 |
false | 5 |
null | 0 |
- str (string): a string. If a number is passed, it will be casted to string first.
- returns length (number): the character length of
(not byte length)
CHAR_LENGTH("foo") // 3
LET value = {foo: "bar"}
str: JSON_STRINGIFY(value), // "{\"foo\":\"bar\"}"
len: CHAR_LENGTH(value) // 13
CONCAT(value1, value2, ... valueN) → str
Concatenate the values passed as value1 to valueN.
- values (any, repeatable): elements of arbitrary type (at least 1)
- returns str (string): a concatenation of the elements. null values are ignored. Array and object values are JSON-encoded in their entirety.
CONCAT("foo", "bar", "baz") // "foobarbaz"
CONCAT(1, 2, 3) // "123"
CONCAT(null, false, 0, true, "") // "false0true"
CONCAT("foo", [5, 6], {bar: "baz"}) // "foo[5,6]{\"bar\":\"baz\"}"
CONCAT(anyArray) → str
If a single array is passed to CONCAT(), its members are concatenated.
- anyArray (array): array with elements of arbitrary type
- returns str (string): a concatenation of the array elements. null values are ignored. Array and object values are JSON-encoded in their entirety.
CONCAT( [ "foo", "bar", "baz" ] ) // "foobarbaz"
CONCAT( [1, 2, 3] ) // "123"
CONCAT( [null, false, 0, true, ""] ) // "false0true"
CONCAT( ["foo", [5, 6], {bar: "baz"}] ) // "foo[5,6]{\"bar\":\"baz\"}"
CONCAT_SEPARATOR(separator, value1, value2, ... valueN) → joinedString
Concatenate the strings passed as arguments value1 to valueN using the separator string.
- separator (string): an arbitrary separator string
- values (string|array, repeatable): strings or arrays of strings as multiple arguments (at least 1)
- returns joinedString (string): a concatenated string of the elements, using separator as separator string. null values are ignored. Array and object values are JSON-encoded in their entirety.
CONCAT_SEPARATOR(", ", "foo", "bar", "baz") // "foo, bar, baz"
CONCAT_SEPARATOR(", ", 1, 2, 3) // "1, 2, 3"
CONCAT_SEPARATOR(", ", null, false, 0, true, "") // "false, 0, true, "
CONCAT_SEPARATOR(", ", [5, 6], {foo: "bar"}) // "[5,6], {\"foo\":\"bar\"}"
CONCAT_SEPARATOR(separator, anyArray) → joinedString
If a single array is passed as second argument to CONCAT_SEPARATOR(), its members are concatenated.
- separator (string): an arbitrary separator string
- anyArray (array): array with elements of arbitrary type
- returns joinedString (string): a concatenated string of the elements, using separator as separator string. null values are ignored. Array and object values are JSON-encoded in their entirety.
CONCAT_SEPARATOR(", ", ["foo", "bar", "baz"] ) // "foo, bar, baz"
CONCAT_SEPARATOR(", ", [1, 2, 3] ) // "1, 2, 3"
CONCAT_SEPARATOR(", ", [null, false, 0, true, ""] ) // "false, 0, true, "
CONCAT_SEPARATOR(", ", [[5, 6], {foo: "bar"}] ) // "[5,6], {\"foo\":\"bar\"}"
CONTAINS(text, search, returnIndex) → match
Check whether the string search is contained in the string text. The string matching performed by CONTAINS is case-sensitive.
To determine if or at which position a value is included in an array, see the POSITION() array function.
- text (string): the haystack
- search (string): the needle
- returnIndex (bool, optional): if set to true, the character position of the match is returned instead of a boolean. The default is false.
- returns match (bool|number): by default, true is returned if search is contained in text, and false otherwise. With returnIndex set to true, the position of the first occurrence of search within text is returned (starting at offset 0), or -1 if it is not contained.
CONTAINS("foobarbaz", "bar") // true
CONTAINS("foobarbaz", "horse") // false
CONTAINS("foobarbaz", "bar", true) // 3
CONTAINS("foobarbaz", "horse", true) // -1
This is an alias for LENGTH().
CRC32(text) → hash
Calculate the CRC32 checksum for text and return it in a hexadecimal string representation. The polynomial used is 0x1EDC6F41. The initial value used is 0xFFFFFFFF, and the final XOR value is also 0xFFFFFFFF.
- text (string): a string
- returns hash (string): CRC32 checksum as hex string
CRC32("foobar") // "D5F5C7F"
ENCODE_URI_COMPONENT(value) → encodedString
Return the URI component-encoded string of value.
- value (string): a string
- returns encodedString (string): the URI component-encoded value
ENCODE_URI_COMPONENT("fünf %") // "f%C3%BCnf%20%25"
FIND_FIRST(text, search, start, end) → position
Return the position of the first occurrence of the string search inside the string text. Positions start at 0.
- text (string): the haystack
- search (string): the needle
- start (number, optional): limit the search to a subset of the text, beginning at start
- end (number, optional): limit the search to a subset of the text, ending at end
- returns position (number): the character position of the match. If search is not contained in text, -1 is returned. If search is empty, start is returned.
FIND_FIRST("foobarbaz", "ba") // 3
FIND_FIRST("foobarbaz", "ba", 4) // 6
FIND_FIRST("foobarbaz", "ba", 0, 3) // -1
FIND_LAST(text, search, start, end) → position
Return the position of the last occurrence of the string search inside the string text. Positions start at 0.
- text (string): the haystack
- search (string): the needle
- start (number, optional): limit the search to a subset of the text, beginning at start
- end (number, optional): limit the search to a subset of the text, ending at end
- returns position (number): the character position of the match. If search is not contained in text, -1 is returned. If search is empty, the string length is returned, or end + 1.
FIND_LAST("foobarbaz", "ba") // 6
FIND_LAST("foobarbaz", "ba", 7) // -1
FIND_LAST("foobarbaz", "ba", 0, 4) // 3
FNV64(text) → hash
Calculate the FNV-1A 64 bit hash for text and return it in a hexadecimal string representation.
- text (string): a string
- returns hash (string): FNV-1A hash as hex string
FNV64("foobar") // "85944171F73967E8"
Introduced in: v3.7.2
IPV4_FROM_NUMBER(numericAddress) → stringAddress
Converts a numeric IPv4 address value into its string representation.
- numericAddress (number): a numeric representation of an IPv4 address, for example produced by IPV4_TO_NUMBER(). The number must be an unsigned integer between 0 and 4294967295 (both inclusive).
- returns stringAddress (string): the string representation of the IPv4 address. If the input numberAddress is not a valid representation of an IPv4 address, the function returns null and produces a warning.
IPV4_FROM_NUMBER(134744072) // ""
IPV4_FROM_NUMBER(2130706433) // ""
IPV4_FROM_NUMBER(3232235521) // ""
IPV4_FROM_NUMBER(3232235522) // ""
IPV4_FROM_NUMBER(-23) // null (and produces a warning)
Introduced in: v3.7.2
IPV4_TO_NUMBER(stringAddress) → numericAddress
Converts an IPv4 address string into its numeric representation.
- stringAddress (string): a string representing an IPv4 address
- returns numericAddress (number): the numeric representation of the IPv4 address, as an unsigned integer. If the input stringAddress is not a valid representation of an IPv4 address, the function returns null and produces a warning.
IPV4_TO_NUMBER("") // 0
IPV4_TO_NUMBER("") // 134744072
IPV4_TO_NUMBER("") // 2130706433
IPV4_TO_NUMBER("") // 3232235521
IPV4_TO_NUMBER("") // 3232235522
IPV4_TO_NUMBER("milk") // null (and produces a warning)
Introduced in: v3.7.2
IS_IPV4(value) → bool
Check if an arbitrary string is suitable for interpretation as an IPv4 address.
- value (string): an arbitrary string
- returns bool (bool): true if value is a string that can be interpreted as an IPv4 address. To be considered valid, the string must contain of 4 octets of decimal numbers with 1 to 3 digits length each, allowing the values 0 to 255. The octets must be separated by periods and must not have padding zeroes.
IS_IPV4("") // true
IS_IPV4("") // true
IS_IPV4("") // false
IS_IPV4("12345.2.3.4") // false
IS_IPV4("12.34") // false
IS_IPV4(8888) // false
JSON_PARSE(text) → value
Return an AQL value described by the JSON-encoded input string.
- text (string): the string to parse as JSON
- returns value (any): the value corresponding to the given JSON text. For input values that are no valid JSON strings, the function will return null.
JSON_PARSE("123") // 123
JSON_PARSE("[ true, false, null, -0.5 ]") // [ true, false, null, -0.5 ]
JSON_PARSE('{"a": 1}') // { a : 1 }
JSON_PARSE('"abc"') // "abc"
JSON_PARSE("abc") // null (invalid JSON)
JSON_STRINGIFY(value) → text
Return a JSON string representation of the input value.
- value (any): the value to convert to a JSON string
- returns text (string): the JSON string representing value. For input values that cannot be converted to JSON, the function will return null.
JSON_STRINGIFY(true) // "true"
JSON_STRINGIFY("abc") // "\"abc\""
JSON_STRINGIFY( [1, {'2': .5}] ) // "[1,{\"2\":0.5}]"
LEFT(value, n) → substring
Return the n leftmost characters of the string value.
To return the rightmost characters, see RIGHT().
To take a part from an arbitrary position off the string,
- value (string): a string
- n (number): how many characters to return
- returns substring (string): at most n characters of value, starting on the left-hand side of the string
LEFT("foobar", 3) // "foo"
LEFT("foobar", 10) // "foobar"
LENGTH(str) → length
Determine the character length of a string.
LENGTH() can also determine the number of elements in an array, the number of attribute keys of an object / document and the amount of documents in a collection.
- str (string): a string. If a number is passed, it will be casted to string first.
- returns length (number): the character length of str (not byte length)
LENGTH("foobar") // 6
LENGTH("电脑坏了") // 4
LEVENSHTEIN_DISTANCE(value1, value2) → distance
Calculate the Damerau-Levenshtein distance between two strings.
- value1 (string): a string
- value2 (string): a string
- returns distance (number): calculated Damerau-Levenshtein distance between the input strings value1 and value2
LEVENSHTEIN_DISTANCE("foobar", "bar") // 3
LEVENSHTEIN_DISTANCE("The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog", "The quick black dog jumps over the brown fox") // 13
LEVENSHTEIN_DISTANCE("der mötör trötet", "der trötet") // 6
LIKE(text, search, caseInsensitive) → bool
Check whether the pattern search is contained in the string text, using wildcard matching.
: A single arbitrary character%
: Zero, one or many arbitrary characters\\_
: A literal underscore\\%
: A literal percent sign
Literal backlashes require different amounts of escaping depending on the context:
in bind variables (Table view mode) in the Web UI (automatically escaped to\\
unless the value is wrapped in double quotes and already escaped properly)\\
in bind variables (JSON view mode) and queries in the Web UI\\
in bind variables in arangosh\\\\
in queries in arangosh- Double the amount compared to arangosh in shells that use backslashes for escaping (
in bind variables and\\\\\\\\
in queries)
The LIKE()
function cannot be accelerated by any sort of index. However,
the ArangoSearch LIKE()
function that
is used in the context of a SEARCH
operation is backed by View indexes.
- text (string): the string to search in
- search (string): a search pattern that can contain the wildcard characters
(meaning any sequence of characters, including none) and_
(any single character). Literal%
must be escaped with backslashes. search cannot be a variable or a document attribute. The actual value must be present at query parse time already. - caseInsensitive (bool, optional): if set to true, the matching will be case-insensitive. The default is false.
- returns bool (bool): true if the pattern is contained in text, and false otherwise
LIKE("cart", "ca_t") // true
LIKE("carrot", "ca_t") // false
LIKE("carrot", "ca%t") // true
LIKE("foo bar baz", "bar") // false
LIKE("foo bar baz", "%bar%") // true
LIKE("bar", "%bar%") // true
LIKE("FoO bAr BaZ", "fOo%bAz") // false
LIKE("FoO bAr BaZ", "fOo%bAz", true) // true
LOWER(value) → lowerCaseString
Convert upper-case letters in value to their lower-case counterparts. All other characters are returned unchanged.
- value (string): a string
- returns lowerCaseString (string): value with upper-case characters converted to lower-case characters
RETURN LOWER("AVOcado") // "avocado"
LTRIM(value, chars) → strippedString
Return the string value with whitespace stripped from the start only.
To strip from the end only, see RTRIM().
To strip both sides, see TRIM().
- value (string): a string
- chars (string, optional): override the characters that should
be removed from the string. It defaults to
\r\n \t
). - returns strippedString (string): value without chars at the left-hand side
LTRIM("foo bar") // "foo bar"
LTRIM(" foo bar ") // "foo bar "
LTRIM("--==[foo-bar]==--", "-=[]") // "foo-bar]==--"
MD5(text) → hash
Calculate the MD5 checksum for text and return it in a hexadecimal string representation.
- text (string): a string
- returns hash (string): MD5 checksum as hex string
MD5("foobar") // "3858f62230ac3c915f300c664312c63f"
Introduced in: v3.7.0
NGRAM_POSITIONAL_SIMILARITY(input, target, ngramSize) → similarity
Calculates the n-gram similarity between input and target using n-grams with minimum and maximum length of ngramSize.
The similarity is calculated by counting how long the longest sequence of matching n-grams is, divided by the longer argument’s total n-gram count. Partially matching n-grams are counted, whereas NGRAM_SIMILARITY() counts only fully matching n-grams.
The n-grams for both input and target are calculated on the fly, not involving Analyzers.
- input (string): source text to be tokenized into n-grams
- target (string): target text to be tokenized into n-grams
- ngramSize (number): minimum as well as maximum n-gram length
- returns similarity (number): value between
RETURN NGRAM_POSITIONAL_SIMILARITY("quick fox", "quick foxx", 2) // [ 0.8888888955116272 ]
RETURN NGRAM_POSITIONAL_SIMILARITY("quick fox", "quick foxx", 3) // [ 0.875 ]
RETURN NGRAM_POSITIONAL_SIMILARITY("quick fox", "quirky fox", 2) // [ 0.7222222089767456 ]
RETURN NGRAM_POSITIONAL_SIMILARITY("quick fox", "quirky fox", 3) // [ 0.6666666865348816 ]
Introduced in: v3.7.0
NGRAM_SIMILARITY(input, target, ngramSize) → similarity
Calculates n-gram similarity between input and target using n-grams with minimum and maximum length of ngramSize.
The similarity is calculated by counting how long the longest sequence of matching n-grams is, divided by target’s total n-gram count. Only fully matching n-grams are counted, whereas NGRAM_POSITIONAL_SIMILARITY() counts partially matching n-grams too. This behavior matches the similarity measure used in NGRAM_MATCH().
The n-grams for both input and target are calculated on the fly, not involving Analyzers.
- input (string): source text to be tokenized into n-grams
- target (string): target text to be tokenized into n-grams
- ngramSize (number): minimum as well as maximum n-gram length
- returns similarity (number): value between
RETURN NGRAM_SIMILARITY("quick fox", "quick foxx", 2) // [ 0.8888888955116272 ]
RETURN NGRAM_SIMILARITY("quick fox", "quick foxx", 3) // [ 0.875 ]
RETURN NGRAM_SIMILARITY("quick fox", "quirky fox", 2) // [ 0.5555555820465088 ]
RETURN NGRAM_SIMILARITY("quick fox", "quirky fox", 3) // [ 0.375 ]
RANDOM_TOKEN(length) → randomString
Generate a pseudo-random token string with the specified length. The algorithm for token generation should be treated as opaque.
- length (number): desired string length for the token. It must be greater or equal to 0 and at most 65536. A length of 0 returns an empty string.
- returns randomString (string): a generated token consisting of lowercase letters, uppercase letters and numbers
RANDOM_TOKEN(8) // "zGl09z42"
RANDOM_TOKEN(8) // "m9w50Ft9"
REGEX_MATCHES(text, regex, caseInsensitive) → stringArray
Return the matches in the given string text, using the regex.
- text (string): the string to search in
- regex (string): a regular expression to use for matching the text
- caseInsensitive (bool, optional): if set to true, the matching will be case-insensitive. The default is false.
- returns stringArray (array): an array of strings containing the matches, or null and a warning if the expression is invalid
REGEX_MATCHES("My-us3r_n4m3", "^[a-z0-9_-]{3,16}$", true) // ["My-us3r_n4m3"]
REGEX_MATCHES("#4d82h4", "^#?([a-f0-9]{6}|[a-f0-9]{3})$", true) // null
REGEX_MATCHES("", "^([a-z0-9_\\.-]+)@([\\da-z-]+)\\.([a-z\\.]{2,6})$", false) // ["", "john", "doe", "com"]
REGEX_SPLIT(text, splitExpression, caseInsensitive, limit) → stringArray
Split the given string text into a list of strings at positions where splitExpression matches.
- text (string): the string to split
- splitExpression (string): a regular expression to use for splitting the text. You can define a capturing group to keep matches
- caseInsensitive (bool, optional): if set to true, the matching will be case-insensitive. The default is false.
- limit (number, optional): limit the number of split values in the result. If no limit is given, the number of splits returned is not bounded.
- returns stringArray (array): an array of strings, or null and a warning if the expression is invalid
REGEX_SPLIT("This is a line.\n This is yet another line\r\n This again is a line.\r Mac line ", "\\.?\r\n|\r|\n")
/* [
"This is a line",
" This is yet another line",
" This again is a line.",
" Mac line "
] */
REGEX_SPLIT("Capture the article", "(the)") // ["Capture ", "the", " article"]
REGEX_SPLIT("Don't capture the article", "the") // ["Don't capture ", " article"]
REGEX_SPLIT("hypertext language, programming", "[\\s, ]+") // ["hypertext", "language", "programming"]
REGEX_SPLIT("cA,Bc,A,BcA,BcA,Bc", "a,b", true, 3) // ["c", "c,", "c"]
REGEX_TEST(text, search, caseInsensitive) → bool
Check whether the pattern search is contained in the string text, using regular expression matching.
- text (string): the string to search in
- search (string): a regular expression search pattern
- caseInsensitive (bool, optional): if set to true, the matching will be case-insensitive. The default is false.
- returns bool (bool): true if the pattern is contained in text, and false otherwise, or null and a warning if the expression is invalid
REGEX_TEST("the quick brown fox", "the.*fox") // true
REGEX_TEST("the quick brown fox", "^(a|the)\\s+(quick|slow).*f.x$") // true
REGEX_TEST("the\nquick\nbrown\nfox", "^the(\n[a-w]+)+\nfox$") // true
REGEX_REPLACE(text, search, replacement, caseInsensitive) → string
Replace the pattern search with the string replacement in the string text, using regular expression matching.
- text (string): the string to search in
- search (string): a regular expression search pattern
- replacement (string): the string to replace the search pattern with
- caseInsensitive (bool, optional): if set to true, the matching will be case-insensitive. The default is false.
- returns string (string): the string text with the search regex pattern replaced with the replacement string wherever the pattern exists in text, or null and a warning if the expression is invalid
REGEX_REPLACE("the quick brown fox", "the.*fox", "jumped over") // "jumped over"
REGEX_REPLACE("An Avocado", "a", "_") // "An Avoc_do"
REGEX_REPLACE("An Avocado", "a", "_", true) // "_n _voc_do"
REVERSE(value) → reversedString
Return the reverse of the string value.
- value (string): a string
- returns reversedString (string): a new string with the characters in reverse order
REVERSE("foobar") // "raboof"
REVERSE("电脑坏了") // "了坏脑电"
RIGHT(value, length) → substring
Return the length rightmost characters of the string value.
To return the leftmost characters, see LEFT().
To take a part from an arbitrary position off the string,
- value (string): a string
- length (number): how many characters to return
- returns substring (string): at most length characters of value, starting on the right-hand side of the string
RIGHT("foobar", 3) // "bar"
RIGHT("foobar", 10) // "foobar"
RTRIM(value, chars) → strippedString
Return the string value with whitespace stripped from the end only.
To strip from the start only, see LTRIM().
To strip both sides, see TRIM().
- value (string): a string
- chars (string, optional): override the characters that should
be removed from the string. It defaults to
\r\n \t
). - returns strippedString (string): value without chars at the right-hand side
RTRIM("foo bar") // "foo bar"
RTRIM(" foo bar ") // " foo bar"
RTRIM("--==[foo-bar]==--", "-=[]") // "--==[foo-bar"
SHA1(text) → hash
Calculate the SHA1 checksum for text and returns it in a hexadecimal string representation.
- text (string): a string
- returns hash (string): SHA1 checksum as hex string
SHA1("foobar") // "8843d7f92416211de9ebb963ff4ce28125932878"
SHA512(text) → hash
Calculate the SHA512 checksum for text and returns it in a hexadecimal string representation.
- text (string): a string
- returns hash (string): SHA512 checksum as hex string
SHA512("foobar") // "0a50261ebd1a390fed2bf326f2673c145582a6342d523204973d0219337f81616a8069b012587cf5635f6925f1b56c360230c19b273500ee013e030601bf2425"
SOUNDEX(value) → soundexString
Return the Soundex fingerprint of value.
- value (string): a string
- returns soundexString (string): a Soundex fingerprint of value
SOUNDEX( "example" ) // "E251"
SOUNDEX( "ekzampul") // "E251"
SOUNDEX( "soundex" ) // "S532"
SOUNDEX( "sounteks" ) // "S532"
SPLIT(value, separator, limit) → strArray
Split the given string value into a list of strings, using the separator.
To split a document identifier (_id
) into the collection name and document key
), you should use the more optimized
- value (string): a string
- separator (string): either a string or a list of strings. If separator is an empty string, value will be split into a list of characters. If no separator is specified, value will be returned as array.
- limit (number, optional): limit the number of split values in the result. If no limit is given, the number of splits returned is not bounded.
- returns strArray (array): an array of strings
SPLIT( "foo-bar-baz", "-" ) // [ "foo", "bar", "baz" ]
SPLIT( "foo-bar-baz", "-", 1 ) // [ "foo" ]
SPLIT( "foo, bar & baz", [ ", ", " & " ] ) // [ "foo", "bar", "baz" ]
STARTS_WITH(text, prefix) → startsWith
Check whether the given string starts with prefix.
There is a corresponding STARTS_WITH()
ArangoSearch function
that can utilize View indexes.
- text (string): a string to compare against
- prefix (string): a string to test for at the start of the text
- returns startsWith (bool): whether the text starts with the given prefix
RETURN STARTS_WITH("foobar", "foo") // true
RETURN STARTS_WITH("foobar", "baz") // false
STARTS_WITH(text, prefixes, minMatchCount) → startsWith
Introduced in: v3.7.1
Check if the given string starts with one of the prefixes.
- text (string): a string to compare against
- prefixes (array): an array of strings to test for at the start of the text
- minMatchCount (number, optional): minimum number of prefixes that
should be satisfied. The default is
and it is the only meaningful value unlessSTARTS_WITH()
is used in the context of aSEARCH
expression where an attribute can have multiple values at the same time - returns startsWith (bool): whether the text starts with at least minMatchCount of the given prefixes
RETURN STARTS_WITH("foobar", ["bar", "foo"]) // true
RETURN STARTS_WITH("foobar", ["bar", "baz"]) // false
SUBSTITUTE(value, search, replace, limit) → substitutedString
Replace search values in the string value.
- value (string): a string
- search (string|array): if search is a string, all occurrences of search will be replaced in value. If search is an array of strings, each occurrence of a value contained in search will be replaced by the corresponding array element in replace. If replace has less list items than search, occurrences of unmapped search items will be replaced by an empty string.
- replace (string|array, optional): a replacement string, or an array of strings to replace the corresponding elements of search with. Can have less elements than search or be left out to remove matches. If search is an array but replace is a string, then all matches will be replaced with replace.
- limit (number, optional): cap the number of replacements to this value
- returns substitutedString (string): a new string with matches replaced (or removed)
SUBSTITUTE( "the quick brown foxx", "quick", "lazy" )
// "the lazy brown foxx"
SUBSTITUTE( "the quick brown foxx", [ "quick", "foxx" ], [ "slow", "dog" ] )
// "the slow brown dog"
SUBSTITUTE( "the quick brown foxx", [ "the", "foxx" ], [ "that", "dog" ], 1 )
// "that quick brown foxx"
SUBSTITUTE( "the quick brown foxx", [ "the", "quick", "foxx" ], [ "A", "VOID!" ] )
// "A VOID! brown "
SUBSTITUTE( "the quick brown foxx", [ "quick", "foxx" ], "xx" )
// "the xx brown xx"
SUBSTITUTE(value, mapping, limit) → substitutedString
Alternatively, search and replace can be specified in a combined value.
- value (string): a string
- mapping (object): a lookup map with search strings as keys and replacement
strings as values. Empty strings and
as values remove matches. Note that there is no defined order in which the mapping is processed. In case of overlapping searches and substitutions, one time the first entry may win, another time the second. If you need to ensure a specific order then choose the array-based variant of this function - limit (number, optional): cap the number of replacements to this value
- returns substitutedString (string): a new string with matches replaced (or removed)
SUBSTITUTE("the quick brown foxx", {
"quick": "small",
"brown": "slow",
"foxx": "ant"
// "the small slow ant"
SUBSTITUTE("the quick brown foxx", {
"quick": "",
"brown": null,
"foxx": "ant"
// "the ant"
SUBSTITUTE("the quick brown foxx", {
"quick": "small",
"brown": "slow",
"foxx": "ant"
}, 2)
// "the small slow foxx"
SUBSTRING(value, offset, length) → substring
Return a substring of value.
To return the rightmost characters, see RIGHT().
To return the leftmost characters, see LEFT().
- value (string): a string
- offset (number): start at offset, offsets start at position 0
- length (number, optional): at most length characters, omit to get the substring from offset to the end of the string
- returns substring (string): a substring of value
RETURN SUBSTRING("Holy Guacamole!", 5) // "Guacamole!"
RETURN SUBSTRING("Holy Guacamole!", 10, 4) // "mole"
TOKENS(input, analyzer) → tokenArray
Split the input string(s) with the help of the specified analyzer into an
array. The resulting array can be used in FILTER
statements with
the IN
operator, but also be assigned to variables and returned. This can be
used to better understand how a specific Analyzer processes an input value.
It has a regular return value unlike all other ArangoSearch AQL functions and
is thus not limited to SEARCH
operations. It is independent of Views.
A wrapping ANALYZER()
call in a search expression does not affect the
analyzer argument nor allow you to omit it.
- input (string|array): text to tokenize. Accepts recursive arrays of strings.
- analyzer (string): name of an Analyzer.
- returns tokenArray (array): array of strings with zero or more elements, each element being a token.
Example query showcasing the "text_de"
Analyzer (tokenization with stemming,
case conversion and accent removal for German text):
RETURN TOKENS("Lörem ipsüm, DOLOR SIT Ämet.", "text_de")
To search a View for documents where the text
attribute contains certain
words/tokens in any order, you can use the function like this:
FOR doc IN viewName
SEARCH ANALYZER(doc.text IN TOKENS("dolor amet lorem", "text_en"), "text_en")
It will match { "text": "Lorem ipsum, dolor sit amet." }
for instance. If you
want to search for tokens in a particular order, use
PHRASE() instead.
If an array of strings is passed as first argument, then each string is tokenized individually and an array with the same nesting as the input array is returned:
TOKENS("quick brown fox", "text_en") // [ "quick", "brown", "fox" ]
TOKENS(["quick brown", "fox"], "text_en") // [ ["quick", "brown"], ["fox"] ]
TOKENS(["quick brown", ["fox"]], "text_en") // [ ["quick", "brown"], [["fox"]] ]
In most cases you will want to flatten the resulting array for further usage,
because nested arrays are not accepted in SEARCH
statements such as
<array> ALL IN doc.<attribute>
LET tokens = TOKENS(["quick brown", ["fox"]], "text_en") // [ ["quick", "brown"], [["fox"]] ]
LET tokens_flat = FLATTEN(tokens, 2) // [ "quick", "brown", "fox" ]
FOR doc IN myView SEARCH ANALYZER(tokens_flat ALL IN doc.title, "text_en") RETURN doc
TO_BASE64(value) → encodedString
Return the base64 representation of value.
- value (string): a string
- returns encodedString (string): a base64 representation of value
RETURN TO_BASE64("123456")
TO_HEX(value) → toHexString
Return the hexadecimal representation of value.
- value (string): a string
- returns toHexString (string): a hexadecimal representation of value
TRIM(value, type) → strippedString
Return the string value with whitespace stripped from the start and/or end.
The optional type parameter specifies from which parts of the string the whitespace is stripped. LTRIM() and RTRIM() are preferred however.
- value (string): a string
- type (number, optional): strip whitespace from the
– start and end of the string (default)1
– start of the string only2
– end of the string only
TRIM(value, chars) → strippedString
Return the string value with whitespace stripped from the start and end.
- value (string): a string
- chars (string, optional): override the characters that should
be removed from the string. It defaults to
\r\n \t
). - returns strippedString (string): value without chars on both sides
TRIM("foo bar") // "foo bar"
TRIM(" foo bar ") // "foo bar"
TRIM("--==[foo-bar]==--", "-=[]") // "foo-bar"
TRIM(" foobar\t \r\n ") // "foobar"
TRIM(";foo;bar;baz, ", ",; ") // "foo;bar;baz"
UPPER(value) → upperCaseString
Convert lower-case letters in value to their upper-case counterparts. All other characters are returned unchanged.
- value (string): a string
- returns upperCaseString (string): value with lower-case characters converted to upper-case characters
UUID() → UUIDString
Return a universally unique identifier value.
- returns UUIDString (string): a universally unique identifier
FOR i IN 1..3
Regular Expression Syntax
A regular expression may consist of literal characters and the following characters and sequences:
– the dot matches any single character except line terminators. To include line terminators, use[\s\S]
instead to simulate.
with DOTALL flag.\d
– matches a single digit, equivalent to[0-9]
– matches a single whitespace character\S
– matches a single non-whitespace character\b
– matches a word boundary. This match is zero-length\B
– Negation of\b
. The match is zero-length[xyz]
– set of characters. Matches any of the enclosed characters (here: x, y, or z)[^xyz]
– negated set of characters. Matches any other character than the enclosed ones (i.e. anything but x, y, or z in this case)[x-z]
– range of characters. Matches any of the characters in the specified range, e.g.[0-9A-F]
to match any character in 0123456789ABCDEF[^x-z]
– negated range of characters. Matches any other character than the ones specified in the range(xyz)
– defines and matches a pattern group. Also defines a capturing group.(?:xyz)
– defines and matches a pattern group without capturing the match(xy|z)
– matches either xy or z^
– matches the beginning of the string (e.g.^xyz
– matches the end of the string ($
To literally match one of the characters that have a special meaning in regular
expressions (.
, *
, ?
, [
, ]
, (
, )
, {
, }
, ^
, $
, and \
you may need to escape the character with a backslash, which typically requires
escaping itself. The backslash of shorthand character classes like \d
, \s
and \b
counts as literal backslash. The backslash of JSON escape sequences
like \t
(tabulation), \r
(carriage return), and \n
(line feed) does not,
Literal backlashes require different amounts of escaping depending on the context:
in bind variables (Table view mode) in the Web UI (automatically escaped to\\
unless the value is wrapped in double quotes and already escaped properly)\\
in bind variables (JSON view mode) and queries in the Web UI\\
in bind variables in arangosh\\\\
in queries in arangosh- Double the amount compared to arangosh in shells that use backslashes for escaping (
in bind variables and\\\\\\\\
in queries)
Characters and sequences may optionally be repeated using the following quantifiers:
– matches one or zero occurrences of xx*
– matches zero or more occurrences of x (greedy)x+
– matches one or more occurrences of x (greedy)x*?
– matches zero or more occurrences of x (non-greedy)x+?
– matches one or more occurrences of x (non-greedy)x{y}
– matches exactly y occurrences of xx{y,z}
– matches between y and z occurrences of xx{y,}
– matches at least y occurrences of x
Note that xyz+
matches xyzzz, but if you want to match xyzxyz instead,
you need to define a pattern group by wrapping the sub-expression in parentheses
and place the quantifier right behind it, like (xyz)+